CSHA Executive Board

Julie Zellner


The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association and the statutory agent of the corporation. It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Board; to call special meetings of the Executive Board or any of its committees; to appoint, with the approval of the Executive Board, a Parliamentarian, all members of committees except those otherwise specified; and to promote the interests and the purposes of the Association in all ways.

Meghan Gallagher

Vice President for Governmental Affairs

The Vice President for Governmental Affairs shall coordinate the Associations initiatives to promote its interests and purposes through existing and proposed legislation and educational and health related policies. In addition, the Vice President shall serve as the Legislative Liaison for the Association and its members.


Ashley Boillat & Liz Davis

Vice President for Educational Programs

The Vice President for Educational Programs shall appoint members to the Program Committee, subject to the approval of the Executive Board, and shall assume responsibility for coordinating Educational Programs.


Anne Bartelmo Burke

Vice President for Planning

The Vice President for Planning shall serve as a liaison at large between the Executive Board and the Continuing Committees and shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the President when necessary.


Elizabeth Schoen Simmons

Vice President for Public Information

The Vice President for Public Information shall be responsible for all paper and electronic publications of the Association, as well as for chairing a committee to enhance public information and awareness of the professions and human communication disorders.


Samantha Formica

Recording Secretary

The Recording Secretary shall take and have custody of the minutes of all Executive Board Meetings and general meetings of the Association, shall certify all elections, and shall be the custodian of the archives of the Association. The Recording Secretary shall also conduct the official correspondence of the Association and the Executive Board and, in general, perform all other duties, which are assigned to this office, or as may be properly required by vote of the members of the Executive Board at any duly authorized meeting. The Recording Secretary shall send out notices of the special meetings of the Executive Board, or any other official mailing of the Association. In addition, the Recording Secretary shall notify all candidates of the election results, and Officer-Elect of the time for assumption of their duties.


Stefanie Gaidos


The Treasurer, who shall be bonded, shall have custody of all funds, collect dues, prepare the Association budget, submit an annual financial statement to the membership, and pay all indebtedness upon due authorization of the Executive Board. The Treasurer’s books shall be audited at the discretion of the Executive Board.


ASHA Committee Of Ambassadors

The ASHA Committee of Ambassadors are to act as Ambassadors of ASHA by providing advocacy on and communication about the priorities of the Association to officials, constituents, peers, and the general public at the workplace, local, state, and national levels..

Speech-Language Pathology

Thomas Hinchey


Non-Voting Members

Susan Munroe

Past President



ASHA’s Government Relations and Public Policy department has developed networks with representatives from individual states. Each of these networks focus on a different priority issue.

These representatives, CSHA’s SEAL, STAR, and SMAC, serve as non-voting members of the CSHA Executive Board.


Sarah Moon

State Education Advocacy Leaders (SEALS)

The SEALs’ network is to enhance and perpetuate the advocacy, leadership, and clinical management skills of school-based ASHA members at the state and local levels to influence administrative and public policy decisions that affect the delivery of speech-language pathology and audiology services in school settings.


Meghan Gallagher

State Advocates for Reimbursement (STARs)

The State Advocates for Reimbursement (STARs) are ASHA-member audiologists and speech-language pathologists who advocate locally with legislators, state insurance commissioners, health plans, unions, and employers on matters related to private health plan reimbursement.


Jennifer Rucci, M.A., CCC-SLP

State Advocates for Medicare Policy (STAMP)

ASHA’s State Medicare Administrative Contractor Network (SMAC) enhances and perpetuates the advocacy, leadership, and communication of ASHA members at the state level to influence administrative and public policy decisions that impact the Medicare coverage, reimbursement, and delivery of speech-language pathology services and audiology services.



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Newest Members

Elizabeth Ashkins
The Speech Pathology Group & Rehab Services of CT

Leah Booth
Guilford Psychological Services

Julie Bossenberry
New Haven Public Schools

Jessica Cappelletti
University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences

Marland Chang

Gabrielle DeRusha
University of New Haven

Elena Hurlburt
Village Voices Speech Therapy and Assisitve Technology Services

Amy Karlberg
Middlesex Health

Taylor McPadden
Sacred Heart University - MS SLP Program

Ann Morgan

Lori Overland

Traci Rechtiene
New Fairfield Public Schools

Suzanne Szekeres

Beatrice Zdorovyak
One Speech Therapy LLC